Local Same-Day Delivery Available from 9.95 Order Now

Coogee Florist

If you need fabulous flowers delivered to Coogee today, IF THE FLORIST is Coogee's most reliable same-day flower delivery service. Place your order before 2pm Monday to Saturday for same day delivery to Coogee. Fresh and fragrant flowers delivered to Coogee today with IF THE FLORIST!

Red Roses
Red Roses
From $90.00
Seasonal Florist Choice - Valentine`s Edition
Seasonal Florist Choice - Valentine`s Edition
From $80.00
Summer Frizz
Summer Frizz
What If?
What If?
From $99.00
From $99.00
Seasonal Posy + Chanel Vase
Seasonal Posy + Chanel Vase
From $95.00

Coogee Flowers

IF THE FLORIST is a local beachside florist located in Maroubra. Our designer Ivan Ferreira had the opportunity to work with Sydney`s leading florists, inspiring him to create his own brand. He has always wanted to express his creativity through the infinite possibilities of flowers. Being born in the countryside of Brazil, Ivan takes inspiration from the seaside, tropical landscapes and freedom.

Coogee Florist

IF THE FLORIST stocks a wide range of gorgeous fresh flowers, plants and gifts. We deliver flowers to Coogee Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm. For same day delivery, orders must be placed by 2pm. Orders placed after 2pm will be delivered to Coogee on the next trading day. For Sunday deliveries, special requests and priority delivery, please contact the shop directly on 02 8084 4123.

Coogee Flowers Delivered

Normal flower delivery hours to Coogee are between 9am to 5pm. All flower deliveries to businesses in Coogee will be delivered by close of business hours. All residential flower orders to Coogee may be delivered by 7pm. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee any specific delivery time.

Our delivery fee starts at $9.95. And we don`t just deliver flowers to Coogee, IF THE FLORIST also delivers to a wide range of Sydney suburbs.

Make sure you add your recipient`s contact number at check out and click "yes" for authority to leave, so we can leave the flowers or plant in a safe location at your recipient`s door in Coogee. All of our flowers are "wet wrapped" so that they stay fresh for few hours without water.

Order online or call IF THE FLORIST on 02 80844123 to discuss what you have in mind today.

IF THE FLORIST | Fabulous flowers delivered to Coogee today!

Coogee is a beachside suburb located eight kilometres southeast of Sydney`s central business district, in the Eastern Suburbs. Famous for its beautiful namesake stretch of sand, Coogee is also home to a thriving beachside wining and dining district. The Coogee Pavilion offers the suburb`s trendiest fine dining, while Coogee Bay Road features an array of laid-back bars and restaurants.



The suburb`s name is derived from the Aboriginal word koo-chai or koo-jah, both of which mean "the smell of the seaweed drying". Coogee was proclaimed a village in 1838. Its first school was built in 1863 and later converted into the Coogee Bay Hotel in 1873. The Coogee Pleasure Pier operated from 1928 to 1934 and featured a large restaurant, theatre and ballroom. 

Points of Interest

A series of coastal reserves are found adjacent to Coogee Beach: Goldstein Reserve, in the north, provides access to Dolphins Point and Giles Baths; while Grant Reserve, in the south, allows access to McIver Baths and Wylie`s Baths. Gordons Bay is found at the northern end of Coogee`s coastline near Clovelly, and is a popular surfing and sunbathing spot. 

Hospitals near Coogee:

Nursing Homes and Aged Care near Coogee:

Schools near Coogee: